Doctor Strange; A Metaphysical Superhero (Mandatory IMAX viewing)

The Ancient One: You’re a man looking at the world through a keyhole. You’ve spent your life trying to widen it. Your work saved the lives of thousands. What if I told you that reality is one of many?

Do you remember when you saw Iron Man the first time and thought to yourself “that guy is made for that role!”. Marvel may have another Robert Downey Jr. in Benedict Cumberbatch.


The Marvel Cinematic Universe has charted a path into realms unknown with this fantasy adventure, Doctor Strange. Following a horrifying car accident that robs Doctor Steven Strange of his talents, he travels to Kathmandu seeking cure from The Ancient One aka Sorcerer Supreme at Kamar-Taj, a secret society committed to the art of mysticism, somewhat like a Shaolin monastery but blending metaphysics with martial arts.


Like Nolan’s Bruce Wayne and Wachowski’s Neo, Strange’s admission into the world of occult is characterised by getting a grip of his surreal surroundings and gaining mastery in an exclusive, branch of knowledge.


There are things that Doctor Strange, the movie excels at. I’m so glad I’m not a stoner because this movie would have fried my brain. It’s a very trippy David Bowie. It’s one of the most gorgeously mind-bending films I’ve seen since Inception, and this movie certainly carries its own nods to that stunning film. All of the sequences depicting fights in and around the metaphysical realm are wonderful. It is like you are watching the film through a kaleidoscope. Everything becomes surreal, placing the characters, the audience, and the entire movie into a realm beyond our own. It succeeds at that oh-so-elusive aspect of moviemaking: total immersion. It catapults Doctor Strange to another league of visual magnificence.


At the core of this film is solid writing. The characters are multidimensional and the writing contains a bountiful buffet of bright, brisk entertainment that typically seems to do justice to the feel of the comics.

Mind over matter! That term has been used extensively related to a number of areas in particular the martial arts. As a mentor and forever student of the mind the idea of Dr Strange is not that strange at all. Anyone that has ever heard of the Law of Attraction or the Law of Cause and Effect, which are one and the same, will either say “It doesn’t work” or “It works for me”. The key to this is the mind. Its your thoughts. Earl Nightingale said, “We become what we think about”. Wallace Wattles talked about “the thinking stuff which all things are made off”. Einstein said that we only use 10% of our MIND – not our brain, our mind. That intangible thing in which thoughts float in. Can we create our world? Ofcourse we can. We do it every day. Willingly or not. The difference? Watching/observing/knowing what you are thinking about. Dr Strange ofcourse takes it to the level of bending reality to our needs. Well, the truth is not far from it. By knowing what we want, internal and external factors begin to emulate that IDEA to create it in our own physical world. Mind over matter? Not exactly. Mind into matter is more of an accurate phrase. Believe it or not, this is a natural law. Also, “magic is just science we don’t understand yet” – Arthur C Clarke’


Strange is what Strange does. It asks something. It questions reality. What is real? Ever felt that someone is watching or following you when actually you later find out that you were alone? That’s your reality. The screen you are reading this on is a part of your reality too. All that you can see, touch, feel is a part of your concept of reality! The entire world, as you perceive it and give meaning to it, constitutes your world—your conception of reality. The world is to you what you make it to be. This holds true for me and everyone else.


A paradox of reality is that what is real is at the same time not real; each and every one of us creates our own view of reality. Because we create it, it is a personal view of reality—our view that is different from a reality that already exists. Each of us customizes our own concept of what is real through our individual thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and subsequent actions. Our actions are shaped by our current and past perceptions and experiences. And most of us will spend our lives depicting and/or defending the “real world” we ourselves have invented or adopted. This is not a problem until we insist that the individualized world we perceive is the right or the true reality.


In accepting that our reality is self-created, we realize that none of us knows how much of it is the “true reality.” This being so, we can therefore create any reality we desire.

Let’s get to the basics of Mind Power. All physical reality is made up of vibrations of energy. Your thoughts too are vibrations of energy. This is not a concept or theory, but rather the startling new reality that quantum physics now reveals to us. Your thoughts have a powerful influence; they affect what happens to you. To know this is to know something great. Most of us go through our waking hours taking little notice of our thought processes: how the mind moves, what it fears, what it heeds, what it says to itself, what it brushes aside. For the most part we eat, work, converse, worry, hope, plan, make love, shop, play, all with minimal attention paid to how we think. This is unfortunate, for we are neglecting one of the most important and powerful forces in our life. Mind Power is directing your thoughts toward a desired outcome. Put simply, what you focus on you attract. Focus on success and you attract success. Focus on fear and failure and you attract failure. Mind Power is understanding these laws and making our thoughts work for us. Your thoughts are the primary creative forces in your life. In the movie Matrix where actor Keanu Reeves plays the character Neo we witness how he changes his idea of himself. From being a sceptic about his own capabilities and what is possible for him to do to truly believe he can do the unthinkable. Within each of us there is a “believing Neo” – a super force beyond your wildest dream. Use them consciously and use them often and you will awaken to a whole new life of power and opportunity.


A man is but the product of his thoughts – what he thinks, he becomes. – Mahatma Gandhi

Difficulties mastered are opportunities won” – Winston Churchill

I don’t believe in pessimism. If something doesn’t come up the way you want, forge ahead. If you think it’s going to rain, it will – Clint Eastwood

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
Napoleon Hill

And finally …

Everything you can imagine is real. – Pablo Picasso

This is the simple strategic science behind Doctor Strange and his capabilities.

Another area the movie delves into is Time, what is it? The concept of time is one that most people are familiar with, but would no doubt struggle to define or fully explain. A simple test is to ask oneself – at what speed does time expire? To say that it expires at the rate of constructed temporal measurements (i.e. seconds, minutes, hours, etc.) says nothing – it is a tautology. Time, undoubtedly, is the most pervasive component of human experience just as it is conceptually fundamental to our physical theories. The concept of time has led many to wonder about questions such as … If time did not exist would the universe stand still? Would the universe expand? Would the universe have even begun? Is motion, a necessary or sufficient condition for time to occur? “What, then, is time?”


As Gale reminds us, an operational or scientific definition of time is based on the method by which we measure time. All such definitions suffer the fate of circularity. Defining the concept of a clock will naturally involve temporal notions. A clock is defined as a closed physical system that operationally returns to exactly the same state it found itself at some earlier instant in time. Time, is a self-referential system! The most famous serious attempt to define time after Plato is found in Augustine’s Confessions. Augustine’s famous lament: What, then is time? If no one asks me, I know: if I wish to explain it to one that asketh, I know not. This encapsulates the mystery that time holds for him. The predicament is that he has an immediate experiential awareness of time and the means to express the temporal stages grammatically through the use of tenses – past, present and future, earlier than and later than. Yet as soon as Augustine attempts to provide a definition every proposal turns out to be circular, for reasons given above. Myriad words such as ‘red’ stand for indefinable properties. Yet, ostensibly we can define ‘red’ by pointing to a red object. But time eludes such straightforward demonstrative definitions. We cannot point to anything and say, “This is the past (or future)”. A photograph or memory of a past event it depicts should not be confused with actual events. The present poses the same problem, since as Aristotle had claimed it serves merely to connect the past with the future. Whenever one points to anything it will always be the present.
(GALE, R.M. (1968) (Ed) The Philosophy of Time: A collection of essays. Humanities Press, US)


I am mentioning this concept here not  because I understand it or can elaborate on it but because I strongly feel that this is the answer to everything that we don’t know and also, is Strange’s biggest power and enemy, Metaphorically. If you can explain, ping me. I am all ears. Also it seemed cool. 😎

Way back when I first heard that Doctor Strange was being brought to the screen I was a bit worried. How could they translate the complexity of character and his true coolness but stay away from the cheeseball stuff? Dress a guy up like the comics and remain true to the seriousness of the character? Well, they managed to not only pull it off but deliver one of the best hero origin films ever made.

I can go on praising this movie like;

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*This scene kicked some serious ass*

In closing, The Marvel Cinematic Universe shines again with manipulative sorcery and cognitive storytelling as this may be the strangest addition but still delivers some kick-ass entertainment. I honestly can’t think of one way to improve this film (no doubt there are minor glitches which can be overlooked). The result is a movie that’s just flat out exceptional and that honestly delivers the best.

All of this with the one and only Benedict Cumberbatch!

P.S: There are two credits scenes. Both teasing future movies, one of them being a not yet confirmed Doctor Strange sequel.

OK! Bye Bye for now!